Actor Jung Kyung-ho held his first-ever fanmeeting last weekend in Seoul, and followed that a week later with a fanmeeting in Tokyo. The event, held with an audience of 500, was part of promotional activities for his drama series Ja Myung Go that spanned two days, August 7 and 8.
The fanmeeting was held on the latter day at Tokyo’s IMA Hall and included a paht-bing-soo making session (bing-soo is a shaved ice dessert, and the paht version uses sweet red beans), which Jung shared with attendees. As Jung turns 27 on August 30, he also received birthday congratulations.

In typical fanmeeting fashion, Jung performed a song; he sang a selection from his 2004 drama I’m Sorry, I Love You called “소중한 사람” (My Precious Person).

Jung said to the attendees, “I was really excited and nervous at the thought of meeting my Japanese fans for the first time, but everyone greeted me so warmly that I had a good time. I’m sad that it was only for a short while, but I want to greet you again in another good project. I sincerely thank everyone who came.”
The sageuk series Ja Myung Go was a pretty big disappointment (from a business standpoint) when it aired on Korean television, as its ratings were low enough for SBS to pull the plug on the drama, cutting it from the intended 50 episodes down to 39. The budget was large and the hype high, so the underperformance of the show was a particular blow for the station. Furthermore, there were murmurings of internal discord about the direction the show was taking, with some actors confused about their roles. But perhaps it’ll fare better as an export; the Japanese broadcast kicks off in October.

News Source - http://dramabeans.com